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Fire Red Shrimp - 10 Pack +

Fire Red Shrimp - 10 Pack +

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Fire Red Shrimp - 10 Pack +

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Fire Red Shrimp, also known as Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. Red), is a popular freshwater shrimp species in the aquarium trade. They are selectively bred for their vibrant red coloration, which resembles the shade of a fire or cherry, hence the name.

Here are some key features of Fire Red Shrimp:

  • Appearance: Fire Red Shrimp are relatively small, typically reaching about 2 centimeters (0.8 inches) in length. They have a translucent body with a deep red coloration, which can vary in intensity and shade depending on the individual and the specific breeding line.
  • Hardy and Easy to Keep: Fire Red Shrimp are known for their hardiness and adaptability, making them suitable for beginners in the aquarium hobby. They are relatively tolerant of a wide range of water conditions and can thrive in well-maintained freshwater aquariums.
  • Peaceful Nature: Fire Red Shrimp are generally peaceful and non-aggressive. They can be kept in community aquariums with other small, non-predatory fish and invertebrates. However, caution should be exercised when keeping them with fish that may prey on shrimp.
  • Breeding: Fire Red Shrimp are prolific breeders under suitable conditions. They can reproduce easily in captivity, and the offspring generally resemble the parents in terms of coloration and appearance. The young shrimp go through various stages of development before reaching maturity.
  • Diet: Fire Red Shrimp are omnivorous and primarily feed on algae, biofilm, and other organic matter in the aquarium. They are also known to consume commercial shrimp pellets or flakes and may scavenge for leftover food in the tank.
  • Maintenance: Fire Red Shrimp require a well-established aquarium with stable water parameters. They prefer clean water, regular water changes, and a substrate with hiding places and ample plant coverage. Providing driftwood, rocks, and live plants can enhance their environment and provide additional hiding spots and grazing surfaces.

Fire Red Shrimp are highly regarded for their attractive coloration and ease of care, making them a popular choice for freshwater shrimp enthusiasts and aquarists alike. They can add vibrancy and interest to a well-maintained aquarium while serving as helpful scavengers and algae eaters

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